Gerard Otto Facebook: Sicko Seymour gloating at the jobless, lying to our faces, blaming others wrongly… Something Jacinda said

Like many New Zealanders I lay awake at 4am pondering a kete full of thoughts about how David Seymour was gloating at skilled, expert people who had lost their jobs at the Ministry of Primary Industries thanks to an unnecessary ideological neoliberalism he was brain washed by – via his Atlas Network handlers.

These may be people who protected us from M. Bovis or saved you from eating poisoned shellfish, or who kept the blight away from our orchards …and Seymour laughs in their faces like a twisted goon.

Kicking people who had just lost their livelihood in the face – is tasteless and the low down signature of psychopathic scum – and I reflected that – as the clock ticked – the folk at NewsHub must have identified strongly now – with those in the public service who are being shoved into the job seeker queues.

The stress, the uncertainty, the obligations to keep on paying the bills, the difficult search for job interviews ….especially for those nearly fifty years old …who will never get a job again.

Over at NewsHub it feels like dead journalists walking and as they carry their last stories down the isle, I stand behind bars in my social media prison cell – and urge them to speak loudly now…shout to the rooftops about what they see…don’t hold back, I bang my cup on the wall.

The lies and spin must be exposed, call it out.

The Atlas Network don’t have the solution, only lies and harm.

To some extent there’s always firms restructuring, but this was different. The number of unemployed was rising as a result of monetary policy not fiscal policy – after a time of what appears to be something in excess of maximum sustainable employment – and the Reserve Bank had been projecting a rise in unemployment in each of it’s 12 weekly Monetary Policy Statements over the past year or more.

So it’s no surprise that we are seeing some effects around us, but this is not the result of fiscal policy as mentioned, it’s the result of monetary policy and how we bring down inflation at the Reserve Bank.

Something Luxon is keen to conflate and deceive us all about.

Some industries needed to cool down like construction while others needed to get back up – like Hospitality, Retail and Tourism – and pouring migrant workers into the mix to fix labour shortages fixed some of the angst at the NZ initiative ( Atlas ) – but it also came with inflationary pressures and exposed our infrastructure deficit as a delicate balance had to be met.

Anyone who reads the Monetary Policy Statements of the Reserve Bank knows that a period of flat economic growth is forecast as part of the side effects of raising the OCR to combat inflation – so it offends our intellect when Christopher Luxon talks about six years of economic vandalism by Labour and how one fiscal budget will not fix that.

Predictably there he was yesterday – deflecting legitimate criticism from Barbara Edmonds – using the “I will not be lectured” spin he had been taught to say – and offering up the “wait till the budget” line along with the “six years of economic vandalism” lie.

What got me out of bed to write this article so early in the morning was something Jacinda said at the University of Bologne in Italy where she was awarded their highest honour.

“By blaming others you immediately remove the need to find solutions yourself”, said Dame Jacinda Ardern to a packed room.

Yes Christopher Luxon had sacrificed real solutions and resorted to insulting campaign spin – blaming Labour for the effects of monetary policy – and we all put up with it – knowing the nodding heads of blind National Party sycophants were lapping up the lies out there.

Sickening really and it makes me cast around wondering who voted for National and who believes this crock of shite we keep hearing?

If National did not proceed with tax cuts and instead addressed the unfair tax system, New Zealand would not be seeing good people being dragged into unemployment by the Atlas Network, as David Seymour celebrated behind that rubber grin like a classic psychopath.

The political damage of not delivering on the unaffordable election bribe – is the self serving insanity that prevents the Government from listening to the IMF as it warns Luxon and Willis their tax cuts will only feed inflation.

Failing to deliver the additional problem – is not an option.

New Zealand is making a rod for its own back here and the crazy thing is the dead journalists walking still seem muted – as if on some level they believe the lies they have heard from Luxon …and lets not forget the former ManBun and all he did to ensure this pack of liars got into power.

Grant Robertson spoke of giving people hope and Jacinda spoke of solutions and I knew these lights in the darkness were the warmth of the fire we gather around.

It’s a spiritual matter and we are all connected to it in this nation.

We are all just people under attack from horrible neoliberal shells of humanity, heartless, dishonest, two faced arseholes …and all we want is to be treated with some dignity and respect as citizens – not mocked by Luxon’s evasive BS and the tripe about “six years of economic vandalism” – a term invented by one of his spin doctors.

The solutions are out there, but they are being prevented as the Atlas Network sets about feathering the nests of the board members of the NZ Initiative and their interests and paying out the donors of Act and NZ First and the National Party …at our expense.

Telling us sick lies about Labour and crying victim is not leadership or solving anything and neither will unaffordable tax cuts, so quickly swallowed up by massive rates increases brought on by inflation and water infrastructure costs.

The pitiful handful of excuses made by National about what it has done for people in a cost of living crisis amount to sad bugger all – compared to the mountain of misery that accompanies their destruction.

You already knew all this but I just wanted to talk about the way Luxcon keeps on doing that blame thing, how it is a lie, how Jacinda is so right about him and how we miss humans of calibre and conviction and depth in the halls of power.

We the ordinary folk of the land – will triumph again – for the sake of all of us – for communities – and it will not be long – not generations as Luxon suggests – for he holds no power but that given to him by the people – and they messed up that last election because they had been through a hard time and everyone wanted relief.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

The people of New Zealand won’t make that mistake again and the cupboard of sick solutions based on austerity for the most vulnerable while the wealthy bathe in more and more – will not prevail, it never has before.

We can hope for that.

“By blaming others you immediately remove the need to find solutions yourself”

The tide against Luxon, Seymour and Winston is rising and soon all of this will be washed away …in a huge wave of backlash.

Gloating at the jobless, lying to our faces, blaming others wrongly…

It’s only a matter of time.

Something Jacinda said

G 🙂

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