Gerard Otto Facebook: G News – the Good News calling out the coalition of cruelty another train wreck chaotic week of leadership failure by Luxon

Winston got knocked out and won’t be getting up again – after UK Band Chumbawamba said they do not share any of Peters’ ideas on race relations and reminded him that the song Tubthumping he plays at his meetings was written for and about ordinary people and their resilience, not about rich politicians trying to win votes by courting absurd conspiracy theories and spouting misguided racist ideologies. So it’s goodnight from Sony and cease and desist Winston …

Awesome really, but better still is that this international reaction just shows the major gap between the impact caused by what Winston said and Luxon’s snivelling false equivalence about Chippy’s critique of the Coalition’s overuse of urgency.

“Luxon’s attempts to share the blame around was a chicken headed move by a gutless coward”, said an unusually fired up organic punga.

“He’s talking to the unplugged privileged swinging dicks out there who hate Labour and the Greens and all things Māori, you know the type”, said a Flax Bush who was sounding almost hostile like he’d had a guts-full of these silly Trump playbook games.

“I never mentioned the Holocaust” warbled a majestical Tui before yelling “YEAH RIGHT” and flying off to pack at Winston’s victim snowflake ear lobes.

“Splitting hairs over causing such offence was just more low down filthy slime ball behaviour from a gutter politician who is always going to fool some of the people some of the time”, said G from G News.

“Integrity is the lifeblood of democracy. Deceit is a poison in its veins.” said Monty wishing he did not have to endure watching what was really going on as most humans paid no attention.

The utter failure of Christopher Luxon to haul Winston over his knee and administer a sound spanking with a hairbrush like grandma used to do – has everyone thinking he’s a wobbling jelly with very small balls.

In other news Melissa Lee is too boring to hold interviews right now according to Melissa Lee her boring self. The boredom was so great that boring audiences everywhere was too big a risk right now and Melissa was working on being more interesting – like a sewing machine that never stops.

The sheer boredom is why Lee is cancelling on Shayne Currie – not because he looks like a junk yard dog, not cos he wants to know stuff she cannot answer and not cos she is utterly useless.

Luxon brushed off all questions today with the same cock sure, crack hardy, bluster that comes across like a total dickhead.

The guy is a waste of time. There’s nobody inside.

Luxon said tax cuts are happening on time and failed to answer how that will happen – will he borrow, will he beg, or will he bluster on .. leaving everyone none the wiser which is how Luxon likes it.

It’s like he has a “talking points” disease that people now wish to avoid catching. People feel relief when somebody with knowledge and depth has something to say – like Chippy or Jacinda – and this egg is not a touch on them., he’s like a doll with a wind up string you pull…and out comes “What I am saying to, We’ve talked about this before and -Clearly, I don’t know how to be any clearer”.

Of course Mike Hosking had a huge millionaire, first world, radio jock, meltdown over Luxon’s dithering over tax relief and lashed out at Luxon like neoliberal hate – for not being rock solid and quivering in the wind about “intentions” when it came to tax cuts.

Audrey scolded Winston for undermining Saint Luxon and Saint Willis by telling the truth about that $5.6 Billion shortfall.

Audrey was so filthy she gave her brickbat and bouquet to Australians in order to help her Blue team through this difficult time.

Nobody Reading this is Gerry Brownlee !!!


Barbara Edmonds tore strips off Nicola Willis in parliament today while Willis took loud evasive action to avoid being accountable.

Rich people laughed at the poor as Chlöe challenged Luxon to resign if his policies threw children onto the streets.

Callous and uncaring right wing voters had a good old knee slapping laugh all over the nation as they doubled down and said National will get us back on track.

Thousands signed an open letter supporting Freyberg High School students’ haka at David Seymour.

NewsHub reports that “More than 7000 people have signed the live document including psychiatrist Hinemoa Elder and singer Ria Hall. Wellington Regional Councillor Thomas Nash said lawyers got in touch with him to say they were keen to provide support to the students pro bono if needed.”

My only question is – was Seymour worth spitting on, even if it was only concrete that did get spat on? Maybe that is what the so called discipline that is going to happen is about?

What a fail by the school – as the nation gets up and supports the kids…cos Seymour is waging war and shots have been fired – what did people expect?

I’m doing okay considering how insane the politics are in New Zealand right now – and the fact you can’t really talk about it to people in real life – and life has enough other stuff going on that really impacts people.

Stuff happening all around us we mostly are unaware about.

The heavy sigh sorts of things that happen…but I do have to say that you guys cheer me up – some of your comments are really gold.

Hope you have a pleasant evening and hold onto that smile…they can’t take that away from us.

G News – the Good News

G 🙂

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