Gerard Otto Facebook: Clusterfuck Luxon’s superiority complex re insults about C-Listers and Tag-along trade delegates

C-Listers and Tag-alongs

When New Zealand signed up the EU FTA and the UK FTA nobody knew that all the people working on these deals from New Zealand were just C-Listers and tag-alongs except Christopher Luxon – yet somehow they managed to get the deals done and brought home the bacon.

Something Luxon is yet to do despite flying around like talking jelly wobble in an expensive ill fitting suit with baggy trousers.

Some say it was A Listers like Dame Jacinda Ardern and Damien O’Conner who got the deals over the line, while others say if only Todd the Bunny Rabbit had been there with some Atlas Network retail banks and Fran O’Sullivan these FTAs would have been so much fatter and bigger – the biggest FTA’s ever imagined.

Others say categorising people this way is stupid and serves only to put down perfectly good trade negotiators who in the past got the outcomes that Luxon’s mob have so far failed to achieve.

According to Jenée Tibshraeny, Wellington based business editor at the NZ Herald Christopher Luxon is having a hard time justifying his comments about C-Listers and Tag-alongs.

Apparently Luxon thought some people ( probably Amanda ) was not there for a reason and just tagging along and when media directly quote exactly what he actually said – Luxon claims they are taking him out of context like denying reality about his own words – will solve how he has been hoisted by his own petard.

Chris Hipkins thinks Luxon is continuing his habit of putting others down to make himself feel superior – which does have some merit when you think of all the times Luxon rubbished New Zealanders and Public Servants, dehumanising our fellow kiwis and telling us all we had lost our mojo and that every business owner had gone soft.

Many have come across this sort of rich man before who inadvertently reveal their shallow materialism and tribal belonging to the worst forms of elitist snobbery.

One can only imagine the horror on David Seymour’s rubber chicken face when Luxon dined out on woke sushi with so called celebrities and ran around wasting time doing C-Lister things – while his PR sycophants pointed at a miserable deal between Rocket Labs and a Japanese company to do 10 launches.

Personally I doubt that kind of stitch up was done in the room but rather pre-ordained and Luxon was trying to point at some kind of outcome as he blundered from a broken down plane and A listers left behind lol – to making a twat of himself with his elitism and boot licking to the Atlas Network.

I once knew a rich man who was like this and assessed others in the Super Rich Club as being “of the same breed” as himself – almost equal – but his super yacht was one inch longer than the other guy’s.

Stuff that I had told myself, there was far more wealth is humility and grace which is why I like Jacinda and Chippy and Grant and Barbara and folks like that.

Anyway I had seen enough and was interested in what else was in the headlines this morning – and it turned out Dr CigaReti had made the news yesterday during scrutiny week in the Health Select Committee when he was grilled to a crisp about those 13 Cancer Drugs.

This morning CigaReti’s epic fail to deliver is the number two story behind Luxon’s C-Lister and Tag-along blunder – and Jenna Lynch was all over it on Three Live at 6PM last night.

One of the oncologists who wrote the original report that CigaReti read about the 13 cancer drugs said CigaReti’s current stance on sticking with the 13 drugs was just nuts.

“Taking a three year old list is just nuts”, said Dr Chris Jackson as Dr CigaReti doubled down on delivering out of date cancer drugs no matter who dumb or stupid that was.

It was all about delivering far worse outcomes under Luxon’s watch.

He told Jenna that, “If it were me I would have said “we promise everyone who had a condition on that list will get a drug and we will make sure it is the best one”.

Hell yes he was right and Dr CigaReti so wrong and just a pawn really caught up in more neoliberal political crap driven by Willis and Luxon above him as they toyed with people’s lives like they were just tag-alongs and C-Listers.

Jenna said NewsHub understood there could be an announcement by as early as next week …which will be interesting.

Overall the whole thing stinks of horrible, insecure people who think they are better than the rest of us, deluded by self importance and detached from the concept of service – as they show us who they really are every day.

To think that some people continue to vote for that lot.

Just shows how New Zealanders should pay more attention to the types of people they invest with power over their lives.

C-Listers and Tag-alongs


G 🙂

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