Gerard Otto Facebook: NZ Herald silence go out of their way to hide Luxons unfavourability polling and unpopularity

Thursday morning coffee

Yesterday morning I noted how it only took Claire Trevett a few minutes to bang out the bold headline “Governing coalition bounces back in new 1News Verian poll” at 6.18PM on Tuesday night at the NZ Herald.

Less than ten minutes had passed as Claire’s fingers furiously tapped the keys and pressed the Enter key to publish.

But this morning it’s crickets and tumbleweeds rolling by in a dusty old ghost town as a saloon door creaks in the wind – about Luxon’s massive slide in favourability and Chippy’s triumphant ascent in the eyes of most kiwis who are not blind idiots.

They don’t talk about that in DumbTown.

It may not surprise you that the NZ Herald decided to suppress Luxon’s shocking favourability poll results from DumbTown on it’s political page this morning as there is no mention, let alone a headline – about how their glorious leader is doing such a poor job since he was elected according to that poll.

The selective partisan editorial policies of the NZ Herald look even more stark when juxtaposed beside Derek Cheng’s article feverishly listing the self defined delivery milestones for Q2 – a tick list of easy wins – designed to falsely underline the slogans “get things done” and “back on track” to the dumbest in DumbTown.

What a guy that Luxon is – chokes up the eyes of the most gullible Nat voter – after all they endured listening to right wing propaganda about Labour.

But something’s just not right about that so called delivery action plan.

Even Derek questions what is the yardstick of what is “more energy” when it comes to Todd, Tag-along Mandy, Winston and Luxon bounding onto broken down planes, waving and jetting off around the world while Claire Trevett sniffs and wipes a tear – alone again naturally.

Sure, I am dramatising the reality a tad – but essentially that so called “action” of “more energy” is emblematic of most of the self framed KPIs like “taking decisions” in Luxon’s corporate second 100 day plan. A plan which is really a list filled with Business as Usual activities that no other government would count as an achievement like Luxon does.

Luxon’s so called plan is a bit like a calendar that counts getting out of bed on Thursday as a huge win – got that done, now make coffee, tick that, and now unpack the dishwasher. Wow that’s delivery. Self congratulations team. We got things done.

The level of thinking is always vague and so high level it’s like “reality – what a concept?”.

Citizens scratch their heads and try to remember if anything got done six years ago – and because no media in New Zealand ever repeat the announcements made to the public – nobody can quite recall what happened – and some conclude that it’s only now in the present that we are finally seeing “things getting done”.

Perhaps the self serving regurgitation of Luxon’s bogus list of low level achievements is an attempt to programme the public with a stronger sense of delivery than was once the media standard?

Sadly there’s no balanced bad news listed – framed by somebody independent – which breaks the spell over DumbTown and explains the real damage this government is doing.

There’s no indepth coverage at the NZ Herald by Trevett or Thomas – over why Luxon did not communicate to cancer sufferers between December 2023 and June 2024 – exactly what he was planning to do and why Willis made no tagged contingency in her Budget 24 regarding the 604 Million?

Yet here was Luxon on Tuesday morning doubling down over how the outcome was always part of the plan and not in any way “catchup politics”.

It’s these sorts of massive omissions in news analysis that scratch the face of credibility at the NZ Herald in my book.

The same goes for how we are now witnessing both Willis and Goldsmith misleading the public over the main reasons land-side infrastructure costs “blew out” for KiwiRail – and that information is public and contradicts their rhetoric about “the size of the ferries causing a $3 Billion project” which is a deliberate lie.

In my book media should be all over that lie and quoting Peter Reidy who said the size of the ships only contributed to 7% of the extra costs – as he listed three other factors including new Seismic codes, Construction Prices inflating and other cost pressures inflating.

But there’s no accountability to be seen across media on these points and the reality escapes public consciousness as DumbTown feel fed up with Maiki again.

“Those favourability ratings must have been made up by Maiki Sherman”, grumbled Dumbtown.

That is the kind of reaction you might expect when NZ Herald readers hear Luxon has slid back to a woeful negative five and Chippy on a triumphant thirteen.

Meanwhile over at Stuff Tova is picking over the mental health defence of Golriz Ghahraman who faces sentencing today while DumbTown behave like the usual disgusting lynch mob we have all become accustomed to.

Golriz has spoken out about how she wished it was as easy as saying “I did it and I am guilty” – but her mental health professional had advised her of her condition and it’s important to recognise the reality here.

A reality that cookers can’t handle ( like NZ First voters ) lol.

It’s time the NZ Herald stopped serving the profit motive and being such an echo chamber for conservatives and neoliberals just cos that is where the advertising bucks are.

The result of all this selective partisan omission and poor, vacant news analysis – is some kind of Trumpian Aotearoa where the dumbest and most uninformed empty vessels make the most noise – shouting at the rest of us – as the whole place becomes divided and sinks into some kind of DumbTown nightmare.

That’s how I see it, how about you?

Thursday morning coffee


G 🙂

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