Gerard Otto Facebook: Reasons for Government incompetence

There’s no other way to look at the 13 cancer drug debacle but heartless incompetence based on Nicola Willis placing herself first at the expense of her party and her country.

The money was always there – it was all about the choices Nicola Willis made.

It’s only the heat of a public outcry and sustained political pressure that have forced Willis to refer to her number one priority – herself – and her political future that have motivated the National Party to start offering a ham fisted, too late solution to Nicola’s big political eyesore.

Now the $600 Million has been found – possibly by slashing something else and causing harm and injury while minor coalition parties enjoy the prospect of wagging the majority in a distortion of power that highlights a failing of MMP.

At the core this was always about the values of well paid neoliberals who are dissociated from struggle and see people like cattle.

If Big Tobacco wants us to slow down smoke free legislation and have us watch 5,000 New Zealanders die of lung cancer then a suitable rationale about a fictional blackmarket and RAM Raids will be invented and doubled down on by Chris Bishop and Christopher Luxon until it’s stamped out but only after persistent effort from media holding up the counter evidence.

It’s never about the patients, the common people of the land, their lives amount to nothing but votes for National – but rather always about Nicola first and foremost followed by her party and it’s vested interests.

Because service to the public is not a priority for this Government it’s easy to slash funds to the disabled and throw up a weak moral justification – that second class non productive slaves and C-Listers should be grateful for $2 per hour while slashing the subsidies that would have made paying the disabled 100% viable for the 12 organisations who readily employ them.

Dignity for the disabled does not matter a fig to this government.

They think they are being cruel to be kind as judge and jury sitting on mountains of gold.

This morning RNZ graded Luxon’s jolly to Japan as a C – because he spent far too much time dealing with a distraction of his own making. Back home Sir Ian Taylor had penned an open letter ( as he does every six months ) concerning how he was one of those C-Listers on a visit to China with Jacinda – and in that letter Taylor reveals that Sir Peter Beck had already stitched that deal up with the Japanese before the visit – and it was largely a political favour – I mean he did just get knighted.

The show pony Luxon still had no political nouse and acted like noob PM digging himself a C-Lister hole while Mandy tagged along and he involved her publicly as a political player on his Facebook page.

Luxon had not learned from his remarks on NewsCrap Atlas ZB when he referred to sub human bottom feeders who we do not feed – nor the Atlas Network Policy Exchange Think Tank speech when he ran down New Zealand businesses – and Luxon repeated his political ham fisted elitism because it’s who he really is and how he really does have a superiority complex.

“The we care deeply” line had emerged after instructions from Atlas UK were heard at a swanky QueenTown National Party group strategy meeting in January 2022 – but it was always just a tactic to fool people into thinking neoliberals are compassionate and caring when they are anything but.

Butt covering is all over the place from Seymour as a high priest of Atlas now – but a code media silence gagged media when it came to what really shocked the public in “scrutiny week”.

There was “zero media scrutiny” over the wrong way Seymour had snap chatted 14 year olds – and many remarked how could people call themselves journalist as they all looked the other way apart from NewsRoom.

Most stories involving Seymour stepping over a line are over in 24 hours and few drag on for weeks like they might for a Green Party Maori female MP. A fact that had not gone unnoticed by observers as the polishing brigade do the bidding of the big advertisers and the business of media takes precedence over it’s democratic function.

This morning Thomas at the NZ Herald has noted that the next three budgets include $85 Billion in health spending that did not feature during “scrutiny week” because National had dragged it’s heels and will only announce the new GPS for Health on 1 July 2024 – meaning we will likely hear an announcement next week.

The shunting along of key accountability data so it is out of the spotlight is a Neoliberal tactic – and Thomas in his polishing noted that Willis had not accounted for population growth ( 90,000 – 120,000 ) meaning fark the patient yet again – do more with less from Willis etc.

Aeysha Verrall sent an email out yesterday highlighting how National has backtracked on a raft of campaign commitments.

  • National has dialled back their commitment to increase medical school placements by 50, providing little for our stretched workforce
  • They also promised to deliver a new medical school, but this went unfunded
  • National promised pay parity for nurses, and to support nurses and midwives with student loan repayments, but this is now up in the air
  • They promised to increase the number of doctors specialising in psychiatry, and double the number of trainee psychologists, but have no plan to achieve this

Yes the truth is there are reasons for this Government incompetence – and while some of it has to do with manifesto promises that do not survive coalition negotiations – much of it is about choices and values made by the Neoliberals and the agenda they do prioritise over New Zealanders.

The way Willis scrapped the new ferries not seeing the steering issue that would drive the old ones onto the rocks and how there’s nothing in the budget to solve this ( like with the cancer drugs ) screams to high heaven of the carnage Willis is bringing to the people.

The hapless Simeon Brown is blaming others and pointing out the obvious like a useless redundant bystander as others get on with fixing things that may not have broken or been so dire if the Neoliberals had different values.

Whether it’s Tama Pokata saying we can’t afford to save these endangered species but we can afford $2.9 for landlords, or Penny Simmonds saying there is no evidence her policies will work, or Louise Upston saying she met some imaginary person and resorting to ancedotes rather than answering questions put to her, or Mark Mitchell shrugging about mental health callouts cos he never thought about the impacts of his expectations for Police – it’s all gross incompetence.

It’s all about some Atlas Network neoliberal agenda and donors and not about you or me or the average kiwi next door.

This Government is carrying out something pretty foreign to what have been kiwi values of fairness and being caring towards each other when push comes to shove.

Here comes the massive rates increases while Luxon memorises what he is going to say next from the script.

Reasons for Government Incompetence


G 🙂

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