Gerard Otto Facebook : Why NZ cannot afford another day of this lying treacherous corrupt and harmful coalition govt of crooks and cruelty

Friday Morning Coffee

If Christopher Luxon was still the leader of the Opposition he’d be calling that power outage impacting nearly 100,000 people up in Northland – more economic vandalism from Grant Robertson – in the same way he blamed Grant for the pandemic and Cyclone Gabrielle as if spending to fix things was just a waste of money.

To make matters even worse Luxon also equated that spending with the sole cause of inflation and dubbed it “economic vandalism”.

The myth about “right sizing” the public service was not based on any evidence about the right size neither – and as Craig Renney has repeatedly told us – the Public Service was about 20% of the overall workforce under the past six Prime Ministers…but that did not stop Luxon selling the notion that 6,000 jobs had to go to get back to a mythical right size reached in 2017.

Yes it’s fair comment to say Luxon was very dishonest and continues to be dishonest – parading false statements around with relative impunity very deliberately in order to tell National’s mythical ‘Restoration Story’. A story where he is the hero who delivered us from recession and misery into the promised land by 2026 with a surplus just two years away.

Clearly that story is wearing thin but it relies on us all having very short memories and as things begin to improve ( no thanks to Willis nor Luxon ) thanks to Monetary Policy gradually easing down the OCR – National are banking on ramming home that story over and over and over again to keep their filthy paws on power.

As Shamubeel told us – while the economic conditions may improve our fragmented society is likely to remain daggers drawn and may take much longer to be repaired.

It’s like American Politics came to town in New Zealand and set us all against each other.

In the meantime we are witnessing National MP’s ducking, diving and weaving – avoiding answering questions with such consistency that it’s clearly a deliberate tactic ordered from on high.

We’ve seen Louis Upston avoid answering questions about stealing $56 Million off the Disabled in order to pay them only $2 per hour rather than afford them the dignity of the minimum wage for the same work done by an able bodied person.

Upston deflected to something else – a different question and answered that – which is a standard technique for National Party politicians when avoiding accountability.

Simon Watts has been giving Chlöe the “avoidance” routine about how he is not responsible for climate impacts unless they are neatly under his narrow brief in a kind of abstention of his scope while saying he’s not concerned about them as well.

Worse Watt’s is not concerned about current budget cuts impacting our future emissions targets, or leaving Agriculture out of the ETS or setting up bogus selected crony “Agriculture Groups” that shut out the Climate Commission from regulating the ETS so the whole thing works properly. ( Such are the talons of the Atlas Network determination that the ETS free market operate to the advantage of special winners who happen to be members or a voting constituency ).

Meanwhile Mark Mitchell clearly has not thought through who is going to respond to all those mental health call outs that the Police usually attend – after directing the Police Commissioner to drop those like hot cakes – leaving Andy saying Police will still respond if there is violence involved – but yeah nah – the question remains unanswered – gaping like an open wound.

The job market in Wellington is worse than it’s been since 2009.

Thanks National and your ideological BS causing so much pain, suffering, stress and all based on ideological myths. Lies that do not stand up to scrutiny and Nicola’s selfish tax cuts – the real driver behind the unnecessary carnage.

The Graduate Nurses not getting jobs in our hospitals and the CE running from camera as Barbara Edmonds told us – all roads lead back to Nicola Willis.

Nicola Willis what a evil piece of work.

The utter debacle over 13 Cancer drugs now has three heads – all talking at once – and all contradicting each other with Seymour complaining there’s too much politics involved, Willis saying some drugs but not all and some is just a word, while Dr CigaReti doubles down on the original 13 cancer drugs despite some of them not being the best drugs for patients now and out of date.

It’s a bloody circus with politicians playing God with people’s lives and now seeking ways to climb out of the hole they dug for themselves. What a bloody mess and this is NOT the change anybody voted for.

It took Christopher Luxon several attempts at brushing off the facts – and accusing the media of being at fault – before he finally gave in to the truth that he had messed up over his “C-Lister” remarks and now various C-Listers are talking to media about how they feel being referred to by Luxon as third class business people.

The way the PM puts New Zealanders down to put himself up is gut punching stuff while his team makes a mess of everything and have no clue.

Who can forget the facts illustrated by Jack Tame when Willis appeared in the pink on Q&A and had to admit 9,000 people are worse off after her Budget and she had no idea about that at all.

Did not see it coming and this week Carmel found it very hard to believe that National said it did not receive even a whisper of advice about that glaring anomaly before hand. Righto!

More people are worse off than get the $250 per fortnight ( less than 3,000 households ) after the Budget and her rhetoric about 14 years since a tax bracket shift was exposed cos her solution only made up for about 3 of those years. There was zero tagged contingency funding for the Cancer Drugs – all signs that Willis only realised the gravity of her disgraceful life and death broken promise after her colleagues had given her that rehearsed standing ovation on Budget Day.

It was all dripping with staged layers of fakery which made genuine people hurl into paper cups like Phil on Wayne’s World.

Then last night the Seymour creature and the 14 year olds on Snap Chat sent ripples of disgust through the communities ups and down New Zealand as most media kept it on the down low cos well – nothing to see here.

The levels of disgust now overflow from the gutters.

Taken together this is a real shite sandwich for New Zealanders to digest and somewhere out there no brick bats will be thrown at National by Audrey Young as she finds another Bouquet to award anybody but Labour.

I hope the power comes on up North and feel sorry for the folks who are losing revenue and food and business today.

A better government who cared might have invested more in resilience instead of robbing money and diverting it to Landlords – but right now just getting things online is what counts.

Deadly heatwaves are scorching cities on four continents as the Northern Hemisphere enters Summer and Simon Watt’s avoids accountability over the Climate as scrutiny week comes to an end.

He has no concerns really apart from ducking questions as he plays his part doing nothing to serve those same short term interests that got us here.

And Luxon says six years of economic vandalism is to blame – and there’s more work to do as quarterly GDP is 0.2% positive for now until it is revised lol.

We are saturated in lies by this Government and now people are fed up and want to mobilise and do something about it.

Friday Morning Coffee


G 🙂

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