Gerard Otto Facebook:G the Good News National continues downhill poll slide ominous signs for the future

Things must be bad for National if the latest Atlas Network TPU Curia Poll is saying support for Luxon is plummeting down and the Nats are going backwards – and it’s a fair cop to say Act are not on 9.7% as TPU polls tend to fantasise.

Things are probably a fair bit worse than that poll suggests – for the right wing – and all the polishing of the Budget only came to this sorry end.

Treasury says the Tax cuts were skewed to help the most wealthy – with 20% of the households with the lowest incomes getting just $13 per week on average – which is just a third of the big juicy succulent tax cuts the top 20% would receive.

The poor get so very little and 55% of the cost of the tax package goes on the top 40%. Luxon thought this was incredibly well designed – of course he did.

“Ultimately the guy’s a plonker”, said an organic punga.

“All that needs to be said has been said already”, muttered a flax bush.

“Incredibly Exceptional!!” warbled a majestical Tui before yelling “YEAH RIGHT” and flying off to peck at Luxon’s specked dome.

“Eventually even the most ardent National supporter has to concede that Luxon is a long way short of the standard”, said G from G News, “He’s poking a giant backlash and it’s still to come”.

“Please don’t think I’m weak I didn’t turn the other cheek and G …I’m sure you’ll understand, sometimes you gotta fight to be a man”, sang Monty like he was Kenny Rogers.

Tamatha Paul said Pumpkin Head Jones “openly brags about species going extinct, he openly brags about that”. She said her generation will not stand by and “let them destroy our environment, destroy our chance to live on this planet – destroy species thta we will never see again.”

Tamatha warned that protests we have seen where 20,000 marched down Queen Street will pale in comparison to the Hikois from Hell that are coming when David Seymour introduces his Treaty Principles Bill.

The Commerce Commission has filed criminal charges against Kiwi Bank – alleging long standing systemic breaches of the Fair Trading Act. This is all about $7 Million impacting over 36,000 customers – who have been overcharged interest, fees and crap like that.

Nobody reading this is Gerry Brownlee !!!
Hooray !!!

The Government has stopped Agriculture from joining the ETS and disestablished the climate change initiative named He Waka Eka Noa. That was a bunch of groups who all worked together apart from the Federated Farmers lol. Anyway Todd the Bunny McClay made out that He Waka Eka Noa was untenable which was BS – and the Greens said these Nats are kicking the climate can down the road again.

41 Defence Force Personal are off to join 12 others in South Korea which made Jude the Ripper shed a tear of jingoistic pride.

Singapore Airlines will compensate injured passengers $16 grand after that bumpy flight.

The NZ Editorial reckoned TPM going to the Police forced Luxon’s hand to bring on the over arching investigation but notably the NZ Herald used words like “all but forced his hand” which meant they were only dreaming things up.

The Police say there are inconsistencies in the stories from the parents of the poor 10 month old baby boy that died in Te Kuiti.

Stuff report that so far 5,867 roles have been slashed by Willis and her band of neoliberals – all for those silly tax cuts.

Some meth with a street value of $4.2 million – has been destroyed accidentally after it was seized – in two lots by a joint Customs and Police Operation named Operation Mudcreek or something like that. Anyway the dude arrested on charges had to be let go and the charges dropped as people stood around and said – that’s awkward.

There are 4 weather alerts for the South Island and they all involve snow on the roads as the weather will go to crap for Western parts of NZ later this week.

I gotta buy a new old car – something cheap and small with high road clearance and steep approach and departure angles – cos you know how it is …when shite happens all at the same time.

Thanks to everyone who has supported G News so far.

Have a fabulous evening and I’ll be back later.

G News – the good news

G 🙂

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