Gerard Otto Facebook: We ask the question to part-time PM Luxon about his comment Trust and Confidence in Who?

Trust and Confidence in who?

Despite TPM and Labour welcoming the public inquiry into allegations that census data and vaccine data may have been misused – irony filled the room to the brim when Christopher Luxon told media that “trust and confidence in our institutions” was important.

Nine days ago, Jack Tame confronted Nicola Willis with nine examples of Christopher Luxon undermining trust and confidence in himself – when he repeatedly told voters that the average family with children would get $250 per week in tax cuts.

The lies about “it was up to” – so frequently used by Nicola Willis – simply could not explain away these raw examples so she tried to minimise the number and called nine examples – a few.

It was all about trust and confidence, but then irony pointed to the way Christopher Luxon had been caught on a NewsHub camera on the election trail saying definitively and absolutely – that he would not cut the funds for first home buyers – only to promptly undermine trust and confidence in himself again – by breaking that promise.

Trust and confidence were not helped when Sir Bill English texted Chris Bishop about a review into Kāinga Ora and Chris Bishop said Kainga Ora would not be involved – and Sir Bill was paid out of funds meant for 80 transitional housing places after the Board noted three pages of errors Sir Bill had made in his report.

Trust and confidence so important to Luxon – did not matter a fig when he got up before the media and sold the half story about Kāinga Ora’s debt without ever once mentioning the asset values of all those houses – and the public realised this was the old two step side shuffle towards privatising state housing which would now be branded social housing.

Trust and confidence in our institutions took a full punch to the jaw when National appointed Paula Bennett to chair Pharmac and Act’s Todd Stephenson helped draft the letter of expectation while still holding all those shares in Pharmaceutical companies.

Naturally there was no need for an inquiry as Luxon hurried on but who can forget Luxon promising those 13 cancer drugs so foolishly when he could not deliver them – while Dr Shane Cigareti ashed beside him and National won all those ill gotten lie based votes from people who are now selling all they own to fund their medicines. Medicines you can pick up with a prescription in other nations.

Yes trust and confidence were important to Christopher Luxon – like when in coalition negotiations he agreed to sacrifice 8,000 kiwi lives by agreeing to weaken our smoke free laws – with no electoral mandate whatsoever – and Big Tobacco smiled behind the curtain with Atlas Network support.

It was not long before trust and confidence took a kick to the goolies when Chris Bishop and Christopher Luxon doubled down before media that there would absolutely only be one store left in Northland selling Cigarettes if they did not weaken smokefree laws – they had the evidence – a huge increase in ram raids and a blackmarket would engulf us all and they were 100% certain – BUT – then Jack Tame waved the real evidence around on Q&A and the game was up – so Luxon sheepishly decided he had better admit that …they got it wrong. Trust and confidence.

When Luxon promised scouts honour that he would not mess with leave entitlements – trust and confidence mistakenly believed him – because now Act’s Brook Van Robot is selling the notion part time workers get “part time sick” and anyone working an 80 hour week should get 20 days sick leave a year – er no – scrub that last bit – the pro rata thing only works to the benefit of employers, never workers.

Trust and confidence was having a very rough time with Luxon but it might have known when Luxon put even the terms of reference for the Uffindell inquiry through the shredder – let along the executive summary and forget about the report itself.

Luxon demanded that everyone just take his word that Sam had changed as he watched the paper burn up in smoke never to be disclosed …I mean – when someone shows you who they are etc.

The broken promises were flowing in a steady stream from Luxon but his lying and deceitful rhetoric was also hitching a ride.

Luxon repeatedly told the public that Grant Robertson was responsible for inflation because of his exonomic vandalism and wasteful spending – when the Reserve Bank said – government spending was very small beer when it came to all the other factors that drive inflation.

Luxon’s dire hoodwink that the Pandemic never even happened and the 20,000 saved lives and hundreds of thousands of saved livelihoods were a fallacy and that – there was no cyclone – just Grant Roberston with a money hose spraying it around made trust and confidence throw up in the gutter.

Lying and fibbing about who owned the Tesla, how Todd would sign up an FTA with India pronto, how his numbers were rock solid, how he was a Crusaders fan as a young boy before they even existed ( Luxon born 19 July 1970, Crusaders formed in 1996 ), how there was not a single outcome that was better under Labour when it signed up so many FTAs, banked huge surpluses before the pandemic, ran a world leading pandemic response, and lifted 70,000 kids out of poverty – all have a corrosive effect on Trust and Confidence.

Some say that trust and confidence stayed in bed that day when the Supreme Court ruled Karen Chhour should appear before the Waitangi Tribunal and present her evidence about 7AA – and Luxon’s government moved in very bad faith to put a bill before parliament within one hour of the ruling – with teh sole purpose of evading it and making it irrelevant.

Imagine how Trust and Confidence felt when Luxon said no – he disagrees – it was all in good faith?

Of course Trust and Confidence tries to stay optimistic seated in the gallery in Parliament as Luxon makes no attempt to answer almost all questions put to him – and Gerry tries to argue that’s okay and Chris Hipkins has to fight Gerry until Gerry tells Luxon to have another go. Let’s hear some more slippery evasion.

The way Christopher Luxon evades accountability with spin and talking points has really become exhausting for the whole nation let alone Trust and Confidence…who let’s face it …is right to be a very low ebb after only seven months of this government.

Steven Joyce on $4,000 per day, Murray McCully on $2200 per day and Sir Bill frolicking on $2,500 per day while mates get appointed to sort out the ferries -which are not funded in the Budget – as Audrey purrs and throws another bouquet – all makes you feel sorry for Trust and Confidence.

The attack on all things Māori in favour of Big Oil and Gas – presents itself like a race war – as Luxon tears at Te Tiri clauses in legislation and threatens to review the need for a Waitangi Tribunal in future, while using vague ambiguous rhetoric about intentions with regard to Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill.

Trust and Confidence has a hard time swallowing all of that when Seymour is painting over the real Te Tiriti with his cut and paste job and unjust takes and bogus arguments – I mean what a blow to trust and confidence if ever there was one?

Then the way Luxon asks us all to trust Chris Bishop, Pumpkinhead Jones and Simeon Slytherin Brown as supreme gatekeepers of oil and gas projects, coal mining projects and to exert executive power over the Environment Court and local voice – is the kind of “grab for power” that gets Trust and Confidence into a lather…painting a placard and walking the streets with angry citizens filled with legitimate concerns for the whenua and awa and moana. HOLY SHIT BALLS New Zealand !!!

The way Luxon and Bishop have deliberately concealed and delayed the project list is enough to make you shiver with rage.

The way Pumpkin Head Jones does not fill in his ministerial diary ( Claire Curran ) when holding clandestine meetings with coal mining executives – but blames a junior staffer when caught out – is all a matter of some despair for Trust and Confidence.

The weak case that New Zealand stands at an inflection point and needs thirty years of gas to keep the lights on does not stand up to scrutiny and the way Luxon refuses to ditch the fossil fuel components of Fast Track – make the housing and infrastructure components feel like trojan horses, bait attached to a great big hook with a fossil fuel trace and pure coal sinker.

So it was – with these weary eyes – that Trust and Confidence laughed a little on the edge of madness as Christopher Luxon told media how important it is for Trust and Confidence that he institute an independent inquiry into TPM and John Tamihere’s possible conflicts of interest while wearing many hats – and what safe guards he took…even while four other agencies have inquiries under way.

Good on TPM for welcoming the inquiry but the room was full of irony and Trust and Confidence held it’s breath until the bald faced fibber and nation wrecker had scurried out of the room.

Those nationwide activations have really gotten to the Atlas Network and this is a slap back of sorts – as the last gasps of the old Colonial state rears it’s ugly head …

Vote these bastards out New Zealand !!!

Trust and Confidence in who?


G 🙂

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