Gerard Otto Facebook: G the Good News -Lazy livered part-time PM Luxon cowardice lack of transperancy and accountability as he cuts number of press conferences and swans off on another junket

G News – the good news

Christopher Luxon did not advise TPM he was going to spring an independent inquiry via the acting Public Service Commissioner to look into all the agencies already investigating allegations of the misuse of census data – as he read out what he was told to say.

TPM heard about this at the same time the rest of the public did.

Luxon wants to get at John Tamihere and his many hats and conflicts of interest – but he was unable to adequately answer questions about the power of such an inquiry to compel the handing over of records etc. Sounds like Luxon was operating on a thin spread of spin across the top of this hasty Cabinet decision.

Next steps are terms of reference being written up by the Public Service Commission – while Luxon could not answer whether he should have waited for other agencies like Police to finish their work first instead of rushing in parallel.

To some this all sounded a bit OTT and it was noticeable that no media asked Luxon anything about the 13 cancer drugs or when that might be resolved. Instead – the topic had been eased on past and down the road – and now the Government shifted to bashing TPM with all the machinery of the state following those massive activation protests.

A real race war was playing out now across NZ over Te Tiriti. Luxon’s government wants Te Tiriti out of the way and nullified and they want to get rid of the Waitangi Tribunal so plundering and pillaging is not hindered by such “obstructions”. Just like colonialism all over again.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang will visit New Zealand this week – the first visit by such a high ranked Chinese government representative since 2017.

Luxon will head for Japan on Sunday for a four-day jolly aimed at boosting the talk about trade and having circular talks on regional security issues with Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida Fumio. I am sure Kishida will be excited about the circular word salads and sucking on eggs.

Luxon has pitched up for a post cabinet presser today with Todd the bunny rabbit to talk crap – but like a giant chicken flapping and clucking, Luxon is avoiding this kind of media scrutiny in general – by not sticking to the convention set by Labour to hold Post Cabinet Press Conferences during recess weeks from parliament.

Labour almost did Post cabs every week.

Labour leader Chris Hipkins said it was obvious to see that Luxon doesn’t like answering questions from journalists.

“This Government has a transparency issue already; this doesn’t help,” he said.

NewsRoom reported that, “There are 13 recess blocks scheduled for this year, alongside 29 sitting or scrutiny weeks. If Luxon held no more press conferences in recess blocks this year, that would see him front 25 percent fewer Post-Cabs than his predecessors.”

“What an anti democratic jumped up little dictator and the whole Maori basing thing has a bad taste to it too “, said an organic punga who needed a strong drink after all he had seen recently.

“This Government are such a mess and what a lesson for the voting public”, agreed a flax bush sick of the broken promises and all the efforts to dodge the truth by Luxon and his band of crony minded beagle boys.

“Back on Track”, warbled a majestical Tui before yelling “YEAH RIGHT” and dive bombing straight for Luxon’s speckled dome.

“Clearly Luxon has dodged the truth about his lies about the 13 cancer drugs he promised, plus his lies about doubling renewable energy with all those consented wind farms lyings around while pretending we need gas for thirty more years, and his lies about not messing with sick leave entitlements for part time workers, and so many other tall stories and he cannot face the media about the tough issues. The TPM thing feels like an inquiry on top of several other inquiries. Synthesising agencies my arse.”, said G from G news – moving boxes between houses.

“Cowardice asks if it is safe, but conscience asks if it is right?”, said Monty pointing at the over reaction by Luxon.

Today’s Post cabinet presser showed again how when Luxon was asked why the Regulatory Impact Statement about his Tax Cuts showed the top quintiles got way more money than the bottom quintiles all Luxon could say was – we designed a very good tax package – a non answer.

Luxon had been a train wreck in all forms of media exposure since becoming Prime Minister – whether it was with Anna, Daniel, Jenny May, Jack Tame, Lloyd, or Jenna and Amelia. He was just not up to the role and now he had changed tactics by increasingly hiding from accountability – off overseas on a jolly and fewer Post Cabinet pressers.

There’s a new rich swanky king of the castle – NZ Richest are now Mat and Nick Mobray who make toys in China on $20 Billion while Graeme Hart is sitting pretty with only 12.1 Billion. Michael Wood said the small group of rich folk have made $23 Billion more in the past year while the rest of us suffer through a recession. Yes and of course National lay a knee on the neck of beneficiaries and take what little they get.

After all those people protested on the streets on Saturday – Pumpkinhead Jones is calling the Greens names and using insults rather than rational argument to justify long term supply contracts for thirty years or more for those greedy fossil fuel buddies of his. Meanwhile Chlöe is pointing out that this contravenes the big effort to get us to limit temperature top 1.5 Degrees – and how it’s the wonky incentives in the electricity market that stop them investing more in renewables and continuing to burn Indonesian Coal. The sheer greed alongside the bunk arguments has the nation shaking it’s head at Pumpkin Head who is increasingly disliked now across the MOTU.

Nobody Reading this Gerry Brownlee.
Hooray !!!

RAM Raids are down in a continuing trend from a peak in August 2022. There were 433 Ram raids in 2022, 288 in 2023 and 67 in the first four months of 2024. This trend is nothing at all to do with Mark Mitchell nor Luxon but they will likely try to claim all the glory if we know them by now.

David Seymour is dreaming he’ll get 15% of the vote in 2026 while struggling on about 7% these days. Only 500 people turned up at his ra ra event and Paul Henry was his usual snide, smarmy, unpleasant self as trained Act shills banged their hands together at his empty words.

Mihingarangi Forbes will cos-host RNZ’s Saturday morning show with Suzie Ferguson from mid August – so that should be excellent a mindo.

NZ Health ( Northland District Health Board Gynaecology Dept ) failed to diagnose ovarian cancer in a woman five times and by the time an MRI was finally done it was found she had stage four cancer. She passed away a few months later.

In tragic sad news a 10 month old baby suffered blunt force trauma and died in Te Kuiti. Neighbours heard hysterical screaming from the house next door but the 10 month old baby boy could not be resuscitated.

National MP Tim Costly has a 1.4 Million house in Waikanae but claims $36,400 per year for an apartment in Wellington – which has many questioning why there is no minimum distance specified in the rules?

Four of the tickets that won a share of Saturday’s $50m Lotto draw are still outstanding, with $28.4m in prize money yet to be claimed.

Bad weather is on the way for the top of the South Island and Wellington towards the end of the week.

A clock tower in Thames has been stuck saying it’s 4.34 for about a decade now and it costs about $10,000 to fix it. Some say leave it cos it is right twice a day, but others want a plan to fix it.

I’ve been moving things between houses cos I told you this move was staged and staggered so – yes I am squeezing in everything right now but life is good.

Have a wonderful evening.

G News – the good news

G 🙂

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